Summary Statement
An in-depth presentation on regulations covering cranes, derricks, helicopters, hoists, and conveyors, hazards commonly seen while using them and a quiz.
- Cranes and Derricks
- 1926.550
- Helicopters -
- Material Hoists,
Personnel Hoists, and Elevators - 1926.552
- Base-Mounted Drum
Hoists - 1926.553
- Overhead Hoists
- 1926.554
- Conveyors - 1926.555

........and a few other pieces of equipment
Cranes and Derricks - 1926.550
- General Requirements
- Follow manufacturer’s
specs and limits
- Capacities,
speeds, warnings, instructions posted in view of operator
- ANSI standard
hand signals posted at site
- Annual inspection
- Follow manufacturer’s
specs and limits

Improper Footing

Wire ropes must be inspected prior to use each day.
(Synthetic webbing slings must be inspected according to its specific standard 1926.251(e).)
Wire Rope Removed From Use When:
- 6 broken wires
in 1 lay, 3 in 1 strand
- for example 3/4 inch, 6 x 19 IWRC is one lay or six inches.
- Outer wires worn
1/3 original diameter
- Birdcaged, crushed,
- Heat damaged
- Reductions from nominal diameter

Cranes and Derricks - 1926.550
- Belts, gears,
shafts, pulleys, etc. guarded
- Swing radius barricaded
- Exhaust pipes
guarded or insulated
- Exhaust in enclosed spaces - air monitoring
- Windows in cabs
- no distortion
- Ladder or
steps to cab roof
- Guardrails,
handholds, steps to cab
- Anti-skid
walking surfaces
- Fire extinguisher of 5BC rating
- Ladder or
steps to cab roof
- If operator has
no clear view, spotter needed
- Work near transmitter towers may require grounding cables

At LEAST 10 ft. from wires

Cranes and Derricks - 1926.550
- General Requirements
- NO modifications
or additions without manufacturer’s written approval.
- All employees clear of suspended loads at all times.
- NO modifications
or additions without manufacturer’s written approval.

Crawlers and Locomotives
- Compliance with
ANSI B30.5-1968
- Record of inspections
on file
- Jibs have positive stops to prevent overbooming of more than 5 degrees above the straight line of the jib

Slewing unit of tower crane

Hammerhead Tower Cranes - 1926.550
- Employees tied
off on horizontal booms
- Buffers at
each end of trolley
- Limit switches
in place
- Manufacturer’s
- Adequate clearances maintained
- Buffers at
each end of trolley

Personnel baskets (Personnel platforms)
- Rule #1- May only be used when there is NO OTHER safe means of performing the work! Personnel baskets are the tool of last resort.
Brakes set, level
within 1% of grade
Derate machine capacity 50%
Load line safety factor 7-10 times
No live boom machines
Telescoping boom length indicator
No free fall- power up & power down


Cranes and Derricks - 1926.550
- Suspended Personnel
Platforms Design
- Support 5
times intended load
- Guardrail,
enclosed from midrail to toeboard, grab rail installed inside
- Hard hats
and overhead protection
- Welding by
qualified welder
- Weight of
platform and rated capacity marked
- Support 5
times intended load
- Master link or
shackle for bridle legs
- Eyes fabricated
with thimbles
- Eyes fabricated
with thimbles
- Rigging used only
for personnel basket
- Basket landed
or secured before entry
- Employees tied
off to basket
Helicopters - 1926.551
- Federal Aviation
Administration regulations
- Briefing (includes
emergency drop zone)
- Slings and tag
lines, cargo hooks
- Personnel Protective
- Hooking and unhooking
(static electricity)
- Signal systems,
visibility, & communication
- Approach distance
and approaching
- Fires

Material Hoists, Personnel Hoists, and Elevators - 1926.552
- General Requirements
- Manufacturer’s
specifications and limitations
- Capacities,
speeds, hazard warnings posted
- Removal of
damaged wire rope
- Manufacturer’s
specifications and limitations

Material Hoists
- Operating rules
established and posted at operator station - No riders
- Entrances to hoistways
- Overhead protection
- cages, platforms, operator stations
- Hoist tower enclosures
- Car arresting
devices in case of rope failure
- Designed by professional

Personnel Hoists and Elevators - 1926.552
- Tower anchored
to structure every 25 ft.
- Cars permanently
enclosed on all sides except entrance
- Doors or 78”-high
gates at each level
- Electric safety
contacts on doors/gates
- Capacity and data
- Emergency stop
switch inside car
- Inspection and testing before use and every 3 months
- Failure to guard
swing radius
- Operating near
power lines
- No load chart
- Unnecessary use
of personnel basket

What Questions Do You Have On Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, and Conveyors?
- Now I have a few
- Please turn to
the Crane Test page in your handout material
- The CLOSEST crane
approach to live power
- Suspended personnel
platforms may ONLY
be used when?
- Are broken wires
- The size extinguisher for a crane?
- No CLOSER than
10 feet
- When there’s
no other safe way to work
- No more than
6 in 1 lay, 3 in 1 strand
- 5 BC Extinguisher (minimum)